The Gandi Community

Continued improvements for SFTP on Simple Hosting

Earlier this month we started the process of unifying the SFTP service on Simple Hosting across our three data centers by merging their SFTP keys. Over the next few weeks, we’re taking the next step towards a more unified infrastructure with migrations of the SFTP endpoints.

While most customers will not notice any disruption in service, we want to keep you informed of our operations so you can avoid any possible issues.
Here’s a schedule:

Datacenter Endpoint Date of migration
Baltimore December 30, 2014
Luxembourg January 5, 2015
Paris January 6, 2015

What are the possible issues?

Loss of connectivity

It’s possible (though unlikely) that a running SFTP connection will lose connectivity during migration. This will happen very rarely, and will not have major consequences. Recovery will consist of simply reconnecting.

DNS / Firewall Issues

Since the IP address of each endpoint will change, DNS propagation problems may arise for some customers.

If you are having trouble connecting to the service immediately following the migration window, this may be the cause. Simply waiting for propagation should resolve it.

Also, if your firewalls or other security systems limit SFTP outbound to specific IP addresses, it will be necessary to adjust the rules on these systems to allow the new addresses (and disallow the old).

Feel free to contact Gandi Support if you encounter any issues.